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Pet of the Month-March 2021-Spot McGrew

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Congratulations to our March 2021. Pet of the MOnth, SPot McGrew! Read his BIO below:)

“Spot was born 7/8/13.  His mother was a Basset and his father was whatever came over the fence.  He lives with Chuck and Phyllis McGrew in Casselberry.  He is named after the character in a series of children’s books. He enjoys being petted, walks, and treats. He enjoys RVing and has traveled about 35,000 miles although he slept through most of the driving. He is almost always happy, strives to please, and gets on well with people.  He has not had a lot of opportunities to socialize with other dogs so he can sometimes be aggressive with other dogs on his turf.  He recently had a herniated disk and had to undergo a laminectomy. He was paralyzed in his hindquarters but has almost recovered completely after several weeks of physical therapy.”

Pet of the Month, February 2021, Yoyo Thompson

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Congratulation to our February 2021 POTM, Yoyo Thompson!!!
Read his BIO below:)
“Yoyo is our sweet 3 1/2-year-old, Abyssinian mix, guinea pig. He was born on July 18, 2017, and came into our lives in October 2017. We found him on Craig’s list ad, as we were searching for a brother for our elder guinea pig, Harry. We named him Yoyo because of his rambunctious, bouncing energy. 
Yoyo and Harry enjoyed each other’s company immensely and really loved one another. Sadly, we lost our Harry on 
November 12, 2019.  Three months later, on February 22nd, Yoyo gained a new brother named Antonio.  They greatly love each other.
In December 2020 we learned Yoyo had developed three bladder stones. Yoyo passed two of the stones on his own, and on December 22nd Dr. McPherson performed the surgery to remove the remaining stone. It took Yoyo about a week to recover, with lots of hand-feeding and TLC. We feel grateful that he made a full recovery. 
While Yoyo is back to his happy, daily routine, he developed several more stones and is undergoing medicinal and dietary treatment
to hopefully help pass these current stones and eliminate any from forming in the future. 
Yoyo is a tiny guinea pig with a huge. strong, loving spirit. We want to thank Dr. McPherson and all the staff at TOAH for the amazing care and love they’ve given to our babies over the years, and also for nominating Yoyo for the February Pet of the Month.
Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital is truly the best of the best! ”      


Pet of the Month, January 2021, Flynn Berkheimer

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Congratulations to our January 2021 Pet of the Month, Flynn Berkheimer!!!! Read his bio below!!
“Flynn came into my life in March 2018. I had just lost my dear little Artie that January. I usually wait a while before starting a search for a new best friend, but, Artie and my sister’s dog, Winnie, were very close and we were all feeling the loss. I also feared that if I waited too long Winnie would deem herself “controller of the house” and would be reluctant to share “her” house with a new pet (Chihuahuas can be that way). So, I set out looking for a beagle with the same attributes as Artie (older with a sweet disposition and the patience of a saint!)
In comes Flynn (aka, DooD). I don’t know much about his past, other than he was picked up as a stray somewhere in the panhandle area and landed himself in a shelter. With hurricanes approaching, the shelter put out an urgent call to rescue groups across Florida in an attempt to clear the shelter prior to the storms because new pets would certainly show up. A rescue group out of Tampa took him in and had him for almost a year. I saw him on Petfinder and immediately fell in love with his dear sweet face. After clearing the approval process, my sister and I went to pick him up in Tampa! He drooled (and I do mean drooled) for the 2.5-hour ride home! I knew he was heartworm positive, but they said he had only one more treatment before he could be re-checked.
Once home, he slept while Winnie cautiously checked him out. We were pleased that she didn’t register any animosity toward him – Yay! He doesn’t play with toys (can’t be bothered); but he likes to be chased and can run like the wind – I think he thinks he’s a greyhound! On his second day in the house, Winnie put her paw and his, and from that point on they have been inseparable.
The next day Dr. Fullenwider, the dear soul that she is, checked him out. Turns out, the heartworm treatment they used wasn’t successful, so we had to put him through more treatments. Once complete, he was finally pronounced heartworm-free. We then had to tackle his bum eye. The eye doctor said he had a very pronounced cataract that needed to be addressed.
Now he is a happy, healthy member of our family! He is everything I was looking for and more. Thanks to Dr. Fullenwider and everyone at TOAH.
If you’ve ever thought about adopting an older dog – do it!”

Pet of the Month-December 2020-Bun Bun Bell

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“Bun Bun came into our lives in September of 2016.   Her original owner was moving to Israel and planned on taking her cat with her.  However, when she was checking in for her flight, she was told that she had missed one of the shots that were required for the cat to be allowed into the country.  She spent 2 days staying at the hotel in the airport trying to work it all out, but ultimately decided she would have to leave her behind.  She couldn’t bring herself to take her to the shelter though.  Instead, she came down to the lobby on the way to her flight and told the concierge, who was my sister Melissa, that she had left the cat in her room and asked her to take her to the shelter.  The cat was scared but very sweet.  My sister couldn’t bring herself to take the cat to the shelter either.   

Our mom had lost her cat and had considered getting another one, so my sister sent her a picture of this white kitty with tiger-striped ears and matching heart-shaped marking on her side.  My mom fell in love with her immediately.  The cat had thick, soft fur like a bunny, so she changed her name to Bun Bun.   My mom passed away in October 2019 of lung cancer.  Before she passed, she asked me to take Bun Bun because my daughter Lauren loved her and had always wanted a cat.  She also felt that Bun Bun would be happy at our house because we have a big screened in patio.  Bun Bun loved to be outside on my mom’s screened in deck, chasing lizards and squirrels that often ran across the screen. We took in Bun Bun and introduced her to her new sister Murphy (our Chihuahua/Min Pin rescue dog).  They didn’t care much for each other at first.  Murphy is very alpha and thought she would dominate this relationship, but a few whacks from Bun Bun’s quick paw gave Murphy healthy respect for Bun Bun.   

After losing her first two owners, this, unfortunately, was not the end of the turmoil in Bun Bun’s life.  On September 4th of this year, our lives were shattered as our sweet kitty was severely injured in a car accident.  The right side of her face was crushed, and we did not think she would live.  Dr. Fullenwider and the incredible team at TOAH sprang into action and have practically performed a miracle.  They took this beautiful creature who was on the brink of death and helped us nurture her back to life.  She has had a difficult journey, as she lost an eye and her jaw was broken.  She had a feeding tube in for over two months and a wire that was in place for weeks to set her jaw.  She had numerous laser treatments to heal her shattered nasal passage and jaw. Bun Bun’s mental state was very fragile after the accident, as her life and abilities had changed drastically in an instant.  Dr. Fullenwider and the team at TOAH has helped us address all aspects of Bun Bun’s healing – physically, mentally, and emotionally.  When I bring her in for an appointment, I feel as though I am bringing her to a friend that loves her as much as we do.  She has made a better recovery than any of us expected in our wildest dreams.  Initially, after the accident, she was hesitant to venture out of her room and would not dare try to jump on even the couch. She now is living her life almost as she did before the accident.  She jumps on the back of a chair to perch and keep an eye on things around her.  She is the ruler of the patio once again, chasing squirrels on the screen and hunting down lizards that now realize that even with one eye, she is super quick and not to be messed with!  She is also back to putting our dog Murphy in her place.  Above all, we are happy to see that she is back to being the loving kitty that adores laying with us and getting a good scratch. 

We can’t thank Dr. Fullenwider and the team of TOAH enough for giving Bun Bun her life back.  We are forever grateful for their talent, kindness, and compassion that saved our beautiful kitty.”


Pet of the Month-November 2020-Mindy Mihacy

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Congratulations to our November 2020 Pet of the Month, Mindy Mihacy!!!

“I fell in love with my sweet Mindy After discovering her at a pet shop in Cape Coral, Florida. I had been longing for another pet after my sweet little Tiki passed away from cancer 2 years earlier. I was looking around at different places, shelters, pet stores, etc when I found Mindy. I saw her in a little glass case playing with her little friend, a red poodle but did not take her home that day. She stayed on my mind so I went back about 3 days later and she was still there I knew she was my little girl and I needed to bring her home. My husband was with me and he fell in love with her immediately. We brought her home when she was 3 months old. She was very energetic and sweet. We truly loved and doted over her. She has been a great comfort and company to me all these years, She bonded even closer to

me after my husband passed away in January 2013. She was born on October 06, 2009. I started to train her and eventually, she became a certified service dog. She understands my routine and everything I say. She is extremely Intelligent.
Her behavior began to change about 8 months ago. I took her to Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital and after many tests, discovered she has Cushing’s disease. She was placed on special medications and now after these last few months, her health has greatly improved!!!! She is back to the happy, energetic little girl she was before. ❤ She looks 100% better I am very grateful to Dr. Taylor and the staff and at Tuscawilla Oaks Veterinary Hospital for the excellent care and compassion they showed and continued to show to me and my sweet Mindy. Thank you TOAH for this opportunity to tell my little Mindy’s story 😍🙏🙂
Audrey Mihacy

Pet of the Month-October 2020-Dino Foley

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Congratulations to our October 2020 Pet of the Month, Dino Foley!! Read her bio below!

“Ever since I can remember I have wanted a Great Dane.  I like big dogs and these “Gentle Giants” were perfect to me! Therefore, 8 years ago, when my husband told me there was an all black Great Dane/English Mastiff mix that was 3 months old and weighed 42 pounds, I jumped at the chance to meet her.  I knew as soon as I met her that this dog was coming home with us!  She was perfect and she got along wonderfully with our other dog. 

Dino loves to play fetch! When you throw something she always brings it back to you and drops it at your feet.  She likes playing catch but will not play tug of war.  She likes to play with all kinds of toys and does not destroy them but just nibbles on them.  She loves stuffed animals and has had some of her favorites for 2 years.  She truly is a Gentle Giant and we love her dearly.

Jane & Stephen Foley”

Pet of the Month-September 2020-Drako Marinelli

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“In mid-November of 2013, my husband decided to go on a Monday evening walk around the neighborhood. During the walk, a kitten approached him. He seemed friendly. He was purring, rubbing up on my husband and began to follow him around. When he arrived home, the kitten came right into the house and made himself at home. We were never able to find out to whom he belonged and surmised that he was unwanted/abandoned. We called him Drako. It was different for us because we were usually “dog people”. Soon after our house became Drako’s House! We are happy to report that he does allow us to live here as well. Drako enjoys chin scratches, lying in the sun, and trying to steal food from the dog’s dish. He also enjoys looking for obscure hiding spots.”


Pet of the Month-August 2020-Riley Brown

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Congratulations to our August 2020 Pet of the Month; Riley Brown!

“Riley’s Story

After our beloved dog Scruffy passed away in 2015, we felt we had room to help another rescue dog. All of our dogs have been rescues. We still had two other rescues at home, Bailey and Maggie (each with their own story) and they were both getting up in years. Bailey seemed lost without his buddy Scruffy, so we felt an addition, would be good for him and us.

We have worked with the Silky Breed rescue for the 20 years, so we decide to see if they had any available for adoption on their website. Riley had just been posted as an owner surrender, so we contacted the rescue and started making plans to go get him in Castle Rock, Colorado. We bought an RV so that we could take the other 2 dogs and pick him up. We headed out in November. It was very cold when we arrived at his house to pick him up. When I went into the house, I didn’t see him initially but soon I heard him and looked down and said, “you must be Riley!” I picked him up and held him the whole time we talked, Riley didn’t leave my lap the whole trip home, and is still never to far from his mom! He loves his Grandma too and always announces himself before going in her house.

Attached below are some photos of Riley. I’ve also attached the link below to the flyer from the Breed Rescue site we saw, and decided he needed to be  with us.


Pet of the Month-Sadie DeGregoria-June 2020

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Congratulations to TOAH’s June 2020 Pet of the Month, Sadie Degregoria!! Read her bio below:)

“Sadie was found wandering in Crystal Hill area near Lakeland/Winter Garden, FL. She ended up at Brantley Nurseries, where my son worked. Sadie was scared and skinny and she was injured (probably hit by a vehicle).

The nursery personnel fed her for a while but it was obvious she would need a permanent home. My son sent pictures of Sadie and we decided to give her a home with us.

After a checkup at Tuscawilla Oaks, Sadie’s health issues were addressed and she was on her way to full recovery.

Sadie enjoys playing with JoJo, our Sheltie, and chasing squirrels in our backyard.

She is loving, comforting, and eager.

Thank you to the doctors and staff at Tuscawilla Oaks for taking such good care of Sadie Girl.”