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Pet of the Month-July 2019-Maizie Sullivan

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Congratulations to our July 2019 Pet of the Month!

Maizie Sullivan

We adopted Maizie in 2009, right before we moved to Florida.  When she came home with us, she was no larger than the size of my palm – such cuteness! She is a crazy, grouchy cat, but we love her.

Over the years she has been diagnosed with several issues – feline hyperesthesia (watch a video – it’s crazy), multiple allergies, and anxiety. TOAH has always been there to help us with solutions and medications that are best suited for our girl.

Last August, I noticed a small lump on her flank and scheduled an appointment with TOAH. After examining the lump, there was concern as to whether what type of lump it could be – was it a fat deposit or cancer? Dr. Taylor immediately scheduled a surgery to determine the causation of the lump. Although he was completely booked, he made the time to fit her in and get the lump analyzed. There were after-surgery complications, but Dr. Taylor and Dr. McPherson were always available to answer and discuss my questions and concerns I had (there were a ton).

Thanks to TOAH and their referral to awesome radiation specialists at UF, we quickly discovered Maizie had a rare form of fibrosarcoma. Dr. Taylor conferred with the surgical and radiation specialists in Gainesville, and we were able to give Maizie the treatment she needed. It took another grueling surgery, CT scans, and over three weeks of radiation treatment, but she took all the poking and prodding like a trooper.

Maizie is currently doing well and enjoys hissing, eating, and sleeping. She loves to purr and cuddle – when she feels like it.

Pet of the Month-June 2019-Mary O’Donnell

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Congratulations to our June 2019, Pet of the Month, Mary O’Donnell!!!

“Mary joined our family in November 2002. She was a rescue kitty from the Seminole County Animal Shelter.

We actually went looking for a black, male kitten and came home with a female Siamese kitten!! She was about 10 weeks old and boy, was she a handful. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t climb.

In the many years since that time, Mary has proven to be a very loving kitty. And, of course, a very talkative one. She always has something to say to anyone passing by and will come talk to us if and when she needs a servant.

Thank you TOAH for nominating Mary. She feels very honored to have been chosen.”

Pet of the Month-May 2019-Daisy Yonchik

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Congratulations to our May 2019 Pet of the Month, Daisy Yonchik. Read her bio below:)

“This is our baby. She is an 8-year-old, 13-pound Maltese. We call her Daisy. At TOAH, they call her “Trooper”.  She’s one tough dog!

Daisy came into our lives in the Spring of 2011. She was a gift to my in-laws. Although she only spent a short time with them, she brought so much joy to their lives. After my mother-in-law passed, my father-in-law moved into an assisted living community and could no longer take care of Daisy. So, now she lives with us and visits her first Daddy once a week.

Daisy is the most laid back, lovable Maltese you could ever meet. Whether it’s the FedEx driver, neighbors, or our contractor, Daisy has never met a stranger she didn’t like. She introduces herself (and me) to any human she sees. She wags her tail furiously and pulls on her leash till the new human comes to pet her. Everyone who meets her falls in love. It happened to us, too!

One evening this February, while we were walking, she was attacked by an unleashed dog who flew so fast down the driveway none of us even saw it until it had grabbed Daisy, lifted her up and was starting to shake her back and forth. All we could see was a little white fluff of fur up in the air and yelping in the shrillest pitch I’ve ever heard. We had to take her to the emergency vet for surgery. Brought her to TOAH because we knew she’d get the best care there. All totaled, she had 4 surgeries, some overnight stays, and tons of antibiotics. TOAH got to know Daisy really well and with all she’d been through said she was a real . . . you guessed it . . . TROOPER.”


Pet of the Month-April 2019-Tallulah Dassing

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Congratulations to our April 2019 Pet of the Month Tallulah Dassing!!!! Read her bio below:)

“After losing my 16 year old mixed lab in January 2008, I said I was not getting another dog right now, but I think God had another plan.

I went into a vet supply store in October 2008 for my Mom’s dog and my 2 cats and they were talking about a dog that was to be put down the following Thursday because she had been at the Orange County pound for a month. I saw her picture and said if nobody gets her before then, call me. They called me Thursday morning and I rushed down there to meet this very thin, blonde, mixed lab who they called Lady.

We went outside to have a visit, but she really was not interested in me. She kept looking out the fence, I had a friend with me and I said I am not sure I would want a dog that is so disinterested in new people. I barely got the words out of my mouth when she came and sat down in front of me and looked at me with those big brown eyes. The rest is history.

I immediately changed her name to Tallulah Mae Dassing because we are southern and Lady did not fit her at all. She is the most laid back sweetest girl in the world, except when she tried to steal the Thanksgiving turkey, but we all have are flaws.

After several years Tallulah hurt both of her knees and had surgery 4 times, little did I know at the time it was the wrong surgery for a dog her size. At work one day she collapsed because her knees gave out. I was a wreck but I remembered an article in the Winter Springs/Oviedo magazine about TOAH and a new stem cell therapy. I called got an appointment and had the stem cell therapy done. It has been amazing for her, she won’t ever be the same from the bad surgery but the stem cell therapy keeps her moving and being able to go to the park with her friends.

All of the staff at TOAH are wonderful and Tallulah does not even mind going. If you have a pet that is not getting around very good and has slowed way down, you should think about stem cell therapy, it has added a wonderful quality of life for my girl Tallulah.”

-Terri Dassing

Pet of the Month-March 2019-Kitty Luther

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Congratulation to Kitty Luther for being nominated as March 2019 Pet of the Month. Read her bio below:)

“Kitty was born in the year of 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska. She came to our house looking for food in February 2009. She was starving, homeless, the tip of her right ear was frozen off and she was pregnant. She was under a year old. All was taken care of.

In May of 2017, we moved to Florida and Kitty flew with us, never making a sound. She has since settled into her new home with us and is quite happy.

A high note concerning Kitty, she never bites or scratches people or furniture.


Lou and Ida Luther”

Pet of the Month-February 2019-Sandy Humphreys

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Congratulations to our February 2019 Pet of the Month, Sandy Humphreys!!

Read her bio below:)

“At the end of June 2017, we had 2 male greyhounds and recently lost our 15 year old female greyhound. My husband and I decided we just wanted our 2 boys and did not want to adopt another greyhound. However, in September 2017, when hurricane Irma came to Florida, the kennel for the greyhound adoption group was evacuated and we offered to take a hound temporarily. We were given Sandy and she never went back to the kennel. She just wiggled her way into our hearts and home and we adopted her. My husband said I needed a girl!

She is our 8th greyhound and she has more energy than any of the rest combined! Sandy loves our very long walks and will come home and play like a crazy girl with her toys even if we have walked for 90 minutes to 2 hours! Sandy says “everything is all about me, me, me, me, me!!! ” Our nickname for her is “Little Bit” (because she is so tiny), but do not let her size fool you, she is very strong, has a bark meaner than our 2 big males, and has a very high prey drive!!

She is very confident, but she is also very loving and affectionate, which I just love! She is my snuggle bunny and follows me around the house room to room. I always tell Sandy, I just do not know what I would do without her, I love her very much!”

Pet of the Month-Prince Kinley Martinez-January 2019

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Congratulations to our January 2019, Pet of the Month. Prince Kinley Martinez. Read his bio below…..

“My little Prince Kinley is a Biewer (pronounced bee-vair) Yorkie.  I often get many questions about Prince because his breed is not as common as the regular Yorkie breed.  The Biewer Yorkie originated in Hunsruck, Germany in 1984.  A couple named Mr. & Mrs. Biewer developed the first Biewer through a gene mutation in their own yorkies. This gene is also known as a recessive pie bald gene. 

My journey to  Prince Kinley began after my little Princess crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I was missing Princess very much and the unconditional love and laughter she brought to my life.  Four months after losing her, I realized it was time for a new fur baby.  I found Prince’s breeder online and made an appointment to see all the puppies she had available.  She had about four playpens filled with four different litters of cute and sweet puppies.  I entered her house and saw one big puppy in the first playpen.  I passed that play pen, then the second, third and fourth. Just then, in the first play pen, I noticed a second little head pop up and I realized that the “big puppy” I saw was not a big puppy at all but was actually two puppies. Prince was hiding under his sister. 

I was so excited to meet Prince and to see if he was the one.  The breeder informed me that his name was “Kinley” and he was available.  She took him out of the playpen and I sat with him for about one hour.  He was tiny, cuddly and sweet.  He was extremely nervous and timid when I first held him but we immediately connected.  After sitting with him for a some time he began feeling safe and snuggled in my arms and was trying to lick my face.  I was convinced that he was the one. 

“Kinley” came home two weeks after the first time I met him, and I immediately changed his name to Prince because he looked like a little Prince when he sits.  We kept the name “Kinley” as well.  He is the joy and little sunshine of our home and lives.  

Princes’ favorite thing to do is play fetch, and eat….. a lot!  Everyday in the early evening he goes to his toy box grabs his favorite toy (a squeaky ball) and brings it to me so that we can play fetch.   He runs for it and brings it back to me, then puts it in my hand so I can throw it again and again until he is tired. 

He barks non-stop to let everyone know when he is hungry or even if you just ask him if he is hungry.     His favorite treat is pumpkin, carrots, strawberries, coconut snacks and Answers goat milk cheese. You can tell who runs our home!

Around 8 pm he is ready for sleep and climbs his stairs to my bed then scratches at the blanket until he finds his comfortable spot. 

Prince loves to snuggle when I am in bed sleeping or if my mom or I are just sitting on the couch. He is our fur baby, very loving and very loyal to us.”

Pet of the Month-December 2018-Fritz Becker

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Rule Breaker

Irresistibly adorable



Young at heart

Fritzy (or Fritz Becker when he is breaking rules) became a member of our household when he was a 12-week-old solid black Doxie who could fit right into our shirt pocket and now he is still solid black (with a touch of gray) 15-year-old boy who prefers to stretch out in the sunlight.

Fritzy is the older brother of two human sisters who he loves to chase and bark at while they are swimming in the pool, throwing his favorite ball or using a broom. Fritzy loves opening presents and never lets a furry stuffed toy remain stuffed…. he is always shaking and pulling out every last bit of fluff.

Fritzy loves going places with his family like picking his sisters up from school, going to the beach, and of course going shopping at his favorite pet shops. He is a great co-pilot sitting in his car seat next to mom watching out for anything exciting ahead only barking when the need arises. He has traveled by car throughout the country making his mark in 22 states and spending many nights in various hotels, relatives’ homes and tent camping.

Although he has three different beds, he prefers to snuggle with mom in her bed tunneling under the covers and taking up as much room as possible. He is the protector of the house, yard, and family barking at anyone who dares approach. Fritzy loves waking his mom and sisters up by giving them kisses and then rolling over to have his belly rubbed.

Every day we are reminded of how lucky we are to have such an adorable, lovable, young at heart, healthy, and spirited Doxie like Fritzy….we are beyond blessed to have him as a part of our family…and we are looking forward to being with him as he continues to make his mark in plenty more states in the upcoming years.

Pet of the Month November 2018-Omi, Micah and Wednesday (TOAH cats)

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Hi there!!!


My name is Omi. I live here at TOAH! I was an orphan and had nowhere to go. Luckily, TOAH brought me in and made me a part of the team! Actually, I run the place now. I am a very vocal, friendly and social cat. I enjoy chasing lizards (through the window), scratching up Dr. Fullenwider’s chair and playfully tormenting my housemate Micah. Ask to see me the next time you are here and I may come out and say hello!! (Photo 1)

I’m Micah. I came to live at TOAH as a baby. Some very nice people brought me here because I was hurt very badly. Dr. McPherson and the other vets began treatment on me right away and I felt so much better. My back leg took a very long time to heal and for awhile we thought I might lose my leg. But thanks to laser therapy and the awesome docs, I healed up very nicely. Now, you would never know I had a problem with my leg. I am a quiet observer, unlike my housemate Omi, but I like to visit with other TOAH pets and look out the window from my favorite cat tree. See you soon!

My name is Wednesday. I am a refined, older lady who is very special. I was very ill a year or so ago, and it wasn’t clear if would ever recover. Lucky, I found the TOAH team who got me all taken care of and since that time, I decided to move in! I enjoy sleeping in boxes around the hospital, on computer screens and refrigerators. My favorite hobby is taunting all of the dogs (hehehe). I am doing very well and enjoying my senior years in luxury!

Pet of the Month-October 2018-Tiger Lily Rudolph

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Congratulations to our October 2018 Pet of the Month!
Tiger Lily Rudolph!
Read her bio below:
“We adopted Tiger Lily when she was a kitten, and she was the last of her litter. I wondered if she was the last because no one had wanted her, but I couldn’t imagine why. She is the sweetest, curious, most precious, friendly kitty I have ever met. We hit the kitty jackpot when we found her!
We have a Shiba at home (Nala) and we were worried how they would react to living together. But when we brought Lily home, Nala went into full momma-mode and took in Lily as her own, giving her baths and even trying to get her to nurse! And Lily didn’t mind at all! They became friends and sisters instantly, and even started sleeping together that night.
Lily is a munchkin cat so she has short legs, but that doesn’t stop her from doing normal cat things. She loves to explore, climb, play with her sister, and chase lizards. Because of her short legs, sometimes when Lily goes for a jump, she doesn’t quite make it! She isn’t the most graceful, but she won’t let you think that. If she falls, she acts like that was what she meant to do!
She is super friendly, instantly loving up on new people or even new animals. I haven’t even heard her hiss ever! Just lots and lots of purrs.
She loves to wake me up at 6am by sitting on me asking for loves and food. A super cute thing she does is she has to stand on the edge of her water bowl to reach in for a drink. Her favorite spot is my empty bathtub in the mornings, when the sun coming in through the window warms it up just right. Between mine, Lily’s, and Nala’s short stature, my boyfriend calls us “Team Little Legs.” I love my team!
Thank you so much for choosing Tiger Lily! We think she is the best kitty in the universe. :)”