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Congratulations to our March 2020 Pet of the Month!!!! Bandit Dwyer!!!
Read his bio below:)
“Born to the humblest of beginnings, on a working farm in Old Town, Maine, Bandit came into our lives by surprise in August of 2005 and it has been the absolute best decision we ever made. I was looking for a Maine Coon Cat in a swap and sell magazine called Uncle Henry’s when I came upon the ad. He was the only male, Blue Merle with blue eyes (which is what I always wanted) out of 11 pups and he happened to be available. I called the farm he was on and she told me someone else was on the way but it was first come first serve. I hung up and grabbed the keys, my husband asked where we were going, I said “I will tell you on the way”… his only reply was “ Do I need money?” and the rest is history. We bonded with Bandit instantly and fell in love from the start, he was exactly what my soul needed in that moment. Born all Aussie, Bandit spent his first few years chasing frisbees and herding his K9 siblings, his arch nemesis…the cat, and his humans, especially his favorite little human, our nephew Rick.
He has always been able to accompany us to work and he took his job of warning us that the UPS driver was near, very seriously. He later became the inspiration for and the face of our pet business, building up a fan club from around the world. His love of travel has earned him many stories of adventure, navigating the roads beside his Dad in the passenger seat of an RV. On one such adventure, his Golden Retriever sister Kiwi taught him to swim while on vacation in Florida and that was the day we realized he was half fish. Bandit has always had a lively wanderlust and has never said no to going somewhere new—especially a beach, lake, or ocean. His swimming skills are second to none, and even as his running has become a little less graceful and swift in his older years he still glides through the water with the grace of a swan. He loves to take a morning dip, swimming laps around his pool just because he can. He swims EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It’s his passion and I believe is what has kept him mobile as he has aged.
Bandit has many talents, including the sweetest nibble kisses, stealing the hearts of all the ladies he meets, total pillow domination, and the art of morphing to the exact dimensions of a king-sized bed leaving us balancing on the edges. He is so connected with us that we can communicate with the look of an eye or the nod of a head. He’s smarter than any dog I’ve ever known, however he has never learned a “dog” trick as I think he felt it was beneath him. I think he truly believes he is one of us.
Bandit takes seriously his call to protect and serve. He never lets a doorbell ring without his direct intervention, always warns the neighborhood when the winds are high, and restricts the pesky squirrels to a designated tree line.
Bandit loves deeply, snores loudly, and always lets you know exactly what he is thinking. His affection for his people is intense and our love for him is unmatched.
Eventually Bandit (and our) old bones started to hurt in the winter cold of Maine so we relocated to Central Florida and to him it was the best move ever as he can swim year round. He is living out his retirement years in K9 bliss loved and spoiled by all that know him.
As Bandit approached his 14th birthday he started to show pretty sudden and severe signs of arthritis. We tried every treatment from supplements to pharmaceuticals to acupuncture, laser and massage. When I had all but lost hope thinking it was time to make the agonizing decision to end our boy’s suffering I stumbled upon the amazing team at Tuscawilla Oaks and the incredible stem cell treatments that they offer. The stars aligned and we were able to get Bandit in immediately for a consult and on September 11 he had his first treatment. I cannot express the gratitude I have for Dr Fullenwider and her team. They have given us the gift of more time with our little guy. In the fall we were able to celebrate the procedures success by having a “100 in human years” birthday party for Bandit. Neighbors, family and friends joined in as he made a grand entrance by running out to everyone assembled by the pool to “Who Let The Dogs Out” playing on the stereo. He jumped around, swam and showed off for the crowd. Everyone was amazed that the dog, who months before needed help to lift himself off the floor was in such good health and spirits. We do not have children and Bandit is my baby so I cannot thank the staff enough for caring for him the way that they have. Their level of kindness and compassion for Bandit and for myself was above and beyond.
Bandit loves life, like truly loves life… He loves his family, his sharky toys and of course swimming. He loves naps, chin scratches, playing catch with his Dad and dance parties with his Mom. He loves lobster, steak, cheeseburgers, and especially the Twistee Treat ice creams that his Uncle Rick gets him. We are currently planning Bandit’s 15th or 105 in human years birthday party for June and are so thankful that we have the opportunity.”
Feb 03Congratulations to our February 2020 Pet of the Month, Ella Stack!!!
“We are so excited Ella was selected for pet of the month! Ella was born in March 2010 in Jacksonville FL. She was delivered to us 2 months later. Ella has always been a little cuddle buddy, she loves to play catch, she smiles when she is happy, and always wants to be held like a baby. She likes to cuddle with our kids, bark at the neighbors, and once you start petting her she becomes your best friend. She is the sweetest girl and we love her so much!”
Dec 30Congratulations to Babe Babinchak our December 2019 Pet of the Month. Read her bio below!
“Babe is a 12-year-old, 9-pound, Shih Tzu -Pomeranian mix, who was born and raised in the Bahamas. After suffering an unfortunate birth accident, Babe lost part of her left rear leg. But that did not prevent her from walking and living a very purposeful life. As a puppy she went to live with an elderly couple where she remained a constant companion and alert dog to an Alzheimer’s victim, and an osteoporosis patient. Upon their death, she came to live with family in Winter Park. For much of her life Babe suffered chronic bladder ailments. Recently the brilliant doctors at Tuscawilla Oaks discovered that she has Cushing’s disease. After finding the right medication for her, Babe is now living a retirement she deserves with her one eyed 55-pound companion rescue “Lucky Dog.” Thank you Tuscawilla Oaks- you’re the best!”
Nov 01Congratulations to our November 2019 Pet of the Month, Max McBride!!! Read his Bio below!!
“One evening in August of 2008, I was walking my three dogs near the entrance to my neighborhood. Suddenly, my Doberman-mix, Roscoe, rushed over to some bushes along our path. I went to see what he was so curious about and found this tiny kitten. The kitten was so small he fit in the palm of my hand. Even though his eyes were still partially closed, he put up a fight when Roscoe got a little too close. It seemed he was abandoned, so home he went with me and my three dogs.
The next day I took him to TOAH, which is where my dogs had been going for years. After some tests, they found he was a sick little fellow. He was sent home with several medications and not a lot of hope in recovery. It was a tough couple of months because we were not sure he was going to make it. But, with the love and support of the TOAH team, and a neighbor of mine that is a nurse, Max recovered! I felt really blessed that he was given a chance at life. With much wonder, I watched as he grew into a beautiful young cat. Max considered me, my son and the three dogs, his family. When he was almost two, he became sick again. This time he was diagnosed with diabetes. He has been dealing with this for nine years now.
A couple of years ago I adopted another stray to give Max company (our three dogs had all passed away and I knew he missed them). To my amazement, Stella (the new stray) began to teach Max how to be more like a cat. I will never forget the first time he came into the living room with a toy mouse in his mouth, as if he had caught it. He proclaimed for awhile how proud of himself he was. Stella has since taught him even more kitty things.
Max loves to be rubbed on his head and back (especially in the early morning hours). He is very good at chasing and catching lizards and bringing them in the house. He does seem confused about me trying to catch them and put them back out though.
Max is such a blessing and so loved by us all. With all that he has been through, I can’t help but admire how he keeps thriving and being a very loving cat. When I need encouragement and inspiration, I think of Max. He truly is amazing. Thank you TOAH for choosing Max as pet of the month!”
Oct 01Congratulations to our September 2019 Pet of the Month. Jasper Rusnock! Please read his bio below:)
“We were looking for a companion for our lab/boxer mix, Sophie, who had undergone shoulder surgery and was depressed.
On May 15, 2013, at an event held by Pet Rescue by Judy, our eyes met. It was kismet! There he was, Jasper! A year and a half old Irish setter/retriever mix. He had some puppy energy but clearly knew he had to fit in. And he has. Loyal to a fault, he follows us everywhere we go, right by our side. Always has and probably always will.
Jasper’s more recent story begins with TOAH. Returning from a vacation, we became very concerned about Jasper’s abdomen and how it was getting larger and larger. The following morning as Jasper lay on the floor, our cat Oliver (sensing something was amiss), touched noses with Jasper. Perhaps offering him one of his nine lives. We immediately placed a call to TOAH, and were at the office and seen by Dr. McPherson and her team immediately.
After an x-ray of the abdomen, which signaled nothing good, Dr. McPherson made arrangements for us to go directly to see the skillful team at AVS. Within hours, under the caring eyes of Dr. Ellison, Jasper’s spleen was removed, along with a large hematoma and a liter of blood from his abdomen. We thought we were going to lose him. But we did not. Mother Nature had other ideas for him!
He is back chasing lizards and critters in our yard, just as he did before his surgery.
And when we all take walks, he keeps a close eye on Sophie as she gets older and struggles.
He is happy and healthy now and still the great companion we had hoped for.”
Aug 01Sophie is honored to have been selected as Pet of the Month!
From the time we adopted her at 5 months old, she has been a pistol. At 12 years old, she’s still a pistol! She is just as attentive, spunky and playful as she was as a puppy.
Sophie is the self-proclaimed “Princess” of the Braun family. She loves (and commands) attention 99% of the time. She is happiest when she is at home with her family and sitting on the pool deck overlooking her Kingdom! Her favorite activities include going for long walks and stealing mom & dad’s shoes. (if they’re watching TV and not paying attention to her.)
Sophie has always been a picky eater & thin and earlier this year, Dr. Taylor performed some routine bloodwork and it showed that she was anemic. He referred Sophie to see an internist at AVS. An ultrasound exposed masses in her spleen and she needed to have her spleen removed. In addition, she had GI biopsies and was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She’s has been treated with a low dose of prednisone and is now eating a human grade food.
Currently, she’s doing great, and back to being a pistol!!
Jun 28Congratulations to our July 2019 Pet of the Month!
Maizie Sullivan
We adopted Maizie in 2009, right before we moved to Florida. When she came home with us, she was no larger than the size of my palm – such cuteness! She is a crazy, grouchy cat, but we love her.
Over the years she has been diagnosed with several issues – feline hyperesthesia (watch a video – it’s crazy), multiple allergies, and anxiety. TOAH has always been there to help us with solutions and medications that are best suited for our girl.
Last August, I noticed a small lump on her flank and scheduled an appointment with TOAH. After examining the lump, there was concern as to whether what type of lump it could be – was it a fat deposit or cancer? Dr. Taylor immediately scheduled a surgery to determine the causation of the lump. Although he was completely booked, he made the time to fit her in and get the lump analyzed. There were after-surgery complications, but Dr. Taylor and Dr. McPherson were always available to answer and discuss my questions and concerns I had (there were a ton).
Thanks to TOAH and their referral to awesome radiation specialists at UF, we quickly discovered Maizie had a rare form of fibrosarcoma. Dr. Taylor conferred with the surgical and radiation specialists in Gainesville, and we were able to give Maizie the treatment she needed. It took another grueling surgery, CT scans, and over three weeks of radiation treatment, but she took all the poking and prodding like a trooper.
Maizie is currently doing well and enjoys hissing, eating, and sleeping. She loves to purr and cuddle – when she feels like it.
Jun 03Congratulations to our June 2019, Pet of the Month, Mary O’Donnell!!!
“Mary joined our family in November 2002. She was a rescue kitty from the Seminole County Animal Shelter.
We actually went looking for a black, male kitten and came home with a female Siamese kitten!! She was about 10 weeks old and boy, was she a handful. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t climb.
In the many years since that time, Mary has proven to be a very loving kitty. And, of course, a very talkative one. She always has something to say to anyone passing by and will come talk to us if and when she needs a servant.
Thank you TOAH for nominating Mary. She feels very honored to have been chosen.”
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