Congratulations to our August 2022 Pet of the Month- Lady Breslin-Clark
“Lady is our precious, seven-year-old Havanese. She was the runt of the litter with dark markings on her face as a puppy, and we couldn’t resist.
Lady is full of love and excitement. She thinks everyone around is there to visit her. She twirls in circles of excitement when it is time for her walk or her vet visits and doggy daycare at Tuscawilla Oaks, and even when she rides in the car for a Starbucks coffee.
She loves to be rubbed and snuggled in bed with her human family, and she hasn’t a mean streak in her. Lady hates thunderstorms and loves to perch on the sofa in her blanket.
Lady is a special dog, a true family member, and has a very special place in our hearts.”
Congratulations to our July 2022 Pet of the Month. Marley Gillis!!😺
“Marley’s life before joining his forever home is somewhat unknown, but it has taken its toll on him. We don’t know his exact age, but it’s estimated that he is around 7-9 years old. When we moved into our current house, Marley was one of the cats we frequently saw outside. This handsome long-haired tabby would watch us from a long-distance away. The only person he would allow near him was the older man across the street from us.
As we started to get to know our neighbors, we learned more about Marley’s backstory. He had belonged to a couple a few houses down the street that no longer lived in the area. We don’t know why they did not take him with them when they moved, but he was left in the neighborhood. No one ever came to claim him. As time passed, Marley came to trust us and would come around for a daily round of kitty kibble and pets.
Recently, however, we noticed that he seemed to have trouble sitting down. Surprisingly, he allowed us to take him to TOAH to get checked out. Dr. Fullenwider examined him and took an x-ray.
While it does not appear to cause him pain, it turns out the poor guy has some spinal damage. Upon learning that, we decided to adopt him and bring him inside for a comfortable retirement. Since then, Marley has continued to grow into a sweet, loving kitty. He is super mellow and fits in well with our other cats. He talks to us with a raspy trilling when he wants something, especially to get pets. Since he has come inside, he seems to be getting better with his mobility. He’s now getting up on the bed, into chairs, and on whatever other furniture he is curious about at the time.
We’re happy that Marley has joined our family and seems to be responding well to his new life. A big thanks to Dr. Fullenwider and the TOAH staff for your help!”
Congratulations to our March 2022 Pet of the Month, Kai Fields!!!
Read his bio below:).
“Kai (and his brother Tai) came to me by way of my older sister in 2019. His exact age is unknown because I am his third home, but I promise I am also his FURever home! Kai is the most playful but sweet cat I have ever had the privilege to call mine. He is like a dog in a cat’s body because his favorite thing in the whole world is belly rubs! And he has no problem nudging your hand until you do it! While he’s still not too sure of his new puppy sister, he loves playing with his brother and can almost always be found within a foot or two of him! TOAH is our family veterinary practice, so Kai has been under Dr.Fullenwider’ss watchful eye since coming home. Unfortunately, in 2021, Kai was diagnosed with feline diabetes, which led to a trying year and many veterinary visits. Yet, the amazing doctors, technicians, and staff at TOAH have gone out of their way to make Kai feel at home every time and continually give him all the love and belly rubs he could ever want. For that, I am so grateful.”
Congratulations to our February 2022 Pet of the Month, Henry Harrington!
Read his bio below:)
Hi! my name is Henry Harrington, aka “Mr. Wigglebottom” because I am constantly on the move! I am a “Shorkie” and was born on January 29, 2021. At the age of three months, I moved in with my new family in Casselberry. My favorite thing to do is attend Day Play at TOAH and play with my friends Bella, Fozzie, Parker, and Molly. I can barely contain my excitement when I arrive and see the other pets in their cars! My parents brought me to Day Play early on so I could learn positive social skills and good manners. I receive lots of hugs and kisses from all of the pack leaders. I love to play fetch and run around our backyard. When I meet someone new, I like to roll onto my back so they can rub my belly. When I eat my dinner, I always leave one morsel for later, just in case I get hungry again. At night I love to sleep on the big soft bed and watch cooking shows on television with my parents. Overall, I am a very happy pup, and I am honored to be February 2022 Pet of the Month. 🐶🐾
Congratulations to our January 2022 Pet of the Month, Tim Matray. Read his bio below:)
“This is Tim. He’s an 18 lb Boston Terrier that is approximately 8 to 10 years old. His exact age is unknown because he was adopted from an animal shelter after being found wandering in a field without any identification or chip. Once the shelter’s waiting period was over, he was brought home and has been loved and spoiled ever since.
Tim is super sweet, gentle, kind, loving, playful, and silly. His favorite things are accompanying mom and dad wherever they are, food, playing with toys, chasing lizards, curling up in blankets, and snoring. He only ever barks when he’s dreaming in his sleep.
Tim has been under veterinary care for health issues for much of the six years he has been with us. 2021 was particularly challenging, though, as Tim was diagnosed with myeloencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE), a degenerative mitral valve, and a heart murmur in quick succession. In Tim’s case of MUE, his immune system is attacking his central nervous system leading to inflammation in his brain and cluster seizures. The bad news is that this is a terminal illness; the good news is that there is a treatment that can help prolong a good quality of life and his vets are all pleased with his response so far. To help, Tim is on multiple medications, including anticonvulsants, a steroid, and chemo injections on back-to-back days every three weeks. Tim is handling it all like a champ, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think Tim is Tim, only a few steps slower due to the medication and his condition.
Tim is a dear family member, a best friend. He helped bring my wife and me together and has gotten me through many tough times. I promised him I will do everything I can for him until he let’s me know it’s time. Until then, we are making the most of each day and cherishing the time we have with him. Tim is an extraordinary dog, and I only hope he knows how much he is loved.
That said, we’d like to thank the entire team at TOAH, particularly Dr. McPherson, the technicians, and the front office team, who are always kind and provide excellent care for Tim. We’d also like to thank the neurology team at Blue Pearl Maitland (formerly AVS), particularly Dr. Miller, Dr. Knight, Dr. Blakey, their techs, and front office staff as well.
You have ALL helped Tim and our family through some tough times, and we will be forever grateful. Thank you, thank you!”
Congratulations to our December 2021 Pet of the month, Sammy Stubberfield. Read his bio below:)
“Sammy is our “mellow” boy. He goes with the flow most of the time..until it is time for his medicine.
Sammy lived next door to us in California, but they had four dogs, and none of them liked Sam, so he was a 24/7 outdoors cat. Eventually, Sam would hang out at our house, and we amicably acquired him. He even moved with us cross country along with Sadie, our other cat.
Sammy and Sadie are now indoor cats and enjoy watching all the funny creatures in our yard. TOAH has helped Sammy with his allergies and continues their compassionate service. Here’s to our Sammy! Thanks, TOAH”