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Pet of the Month-September 2016-Otis Sligar

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Otis is an 11 month old Boston terrier that found his way into our hearts from his parents in Vero Beach, FL, late last year.  He had big shoes to fill as the previous family pet of 14 years, Mac; another Boston, had passed on and left deep guidelines of how to love his family and give absolute joy.  Otis has been 100% successful in capturing our hearts and anyone else that he comes in contact with -everyone loves Otis and his spunky attitude.  His favorite hobbies are Winter Park sidewalks in the evening, belly rubs, chew toys, restaurants that are dog friendly, clearing rooms with his flatulence, his back yard for digging holes & harassing lizards, and training the new rag doll cat, Wallace.


Pet of the Month-August 2016-Susy Manrique

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Susy is five and a half years old and a very loved. Her “paw”rents – Alejandro and Catherine – were not sure whether to have a puppy until she came along and stole their hearts.  Even since the day she got home, Susy has been the center of attention and we have been focused on providing the best care for her.

She loves being chased around the house every time we try to put her leash on to go for walks.  “The Chase” can last anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes until we can finally catch her. Once we go on the walk, Susy focuses on catching as many lizards as she can.   She also likes to play Hide and Seek. When we get home after work, instead of coming to greet us she hides and waits for us to find her.  Then she gets all excited and showers us with kisses.  Her go to toy is anything she can play tug of war with, and also has a preference for any gliding toys you can throw for her.

A professional beggar, we have been lucky that her dietary preferences include all kinds of vegetables, frozen or cooked, making it extremely easy to spoil her with food!

Overall Susy is a very good dog, but there have been a few times she has gotten into trouble.  Susy has issues with people on scooters, golf carts, roller blades and skates. One day when we were on our way to the park, Susy jumped from the car in motion in an attempt to chase a lady on roller blades. Luckily for us she only had road rash and lost a couple of nails, but we did not know it at the time and immediately rushed her to TOAH. The team was ready to assist, treat her injuries, and ensured she was ok.

There was also another instance when Susy decided to take all her joint medication pills at once and we had to rush her to the vet.  Dr. Fullenwider was waiting for Susy and saved her life. She was hospitalized, and had to be put on IV fluids to flush the medicine from her system. We were worried she may have kidney failure and not make it.  Dr. Fullenwider and her team kept us informed throughout the process, which made a huge difference in that very stressful situation. Susy also visit TOAH earlier this year to get knee ligament surgery. Her surgery went well and the Doctor recommended she do swim therapy lessons to speed up her recovery.  She is now fully recovered and back to doing “The Chase” daily.

Thank you TOAH team for always taking great care of our furry daughter!

Alejandro Manrique

Pet of the Month-July 2016-Shannon Peppler

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Shannon is now 4 years old.  We picked him out of his litter when he was two weeks old, barely larger than a hamster.  Helen said she thought he as beautiful.  I held him in my arms and he looked up into my eyes with a questioning expression and promptly went to sleep against my chest.  That was it.  At 8 weeks he had his last puppy shots and Helen and I met the breeder (EJ Boxers) at her vet and “took him home from the hospital.”   He is our special baby boy. To get him socialized we took him on regular walks in our neighborhood and because he was such a cute boxer puppy, people would literally stop their cars and get out to say hi and to pet him.  Today it is his job to take me on regular walks and to give love to everyone he meets on the street.  More people in our neighborhood know Shannon’s name than mine.  A good friend says that he is the “rock star” of the neighborhood. Shannon has a recently adopted little Shih Tzu brother named Woodrow, with whom he wrestles on a regular basis. Shannon has had one or two medical issues and has a close relationship with Dr. Taylor and Dr. McPherson.  Shannon thinks of them and the staff at TOAH as part of his extended family.  They are our favorite “pediatricians.”

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Pet of the Month-June 2016-Suzy Piersall

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June 2016 Pet of the Month

Suzy Piersall

Suzy is an 11 1/2 year old pug.The highlight of Suzy’s day is eating, going for walks, having her teeth brushed (with a dental chew stick), and snuggling.  She’ll sit, settle, shake, speak and roll over for a treat.  She’s a little dog with a big dog personality, and is best friends with everyone she meets. She keeps watch out the front window and alerts her family for any danger like birds, or children, or most importantly any dogs that go by.  These days she does a lot of sleeping (snoring loudly) to get her beauty rest. She had her first visit to Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital at her initial puppy visit.  Dr. McPherson has seen her through some tough times with a couple of surgeries to fish things out of her that she shouldn’t have eaten.


Congratulations Suzy!

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Cam Fawcett-Pet of the Month-May 2016

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Cam Fawcett!

Cam came into my life (unexpectedly) on a regular day of work at TOAH. She was found in the middle of University Blvd by a good samaritan, who unfortunately could not afford the treatment she needed. We found that her femoral head was cracked in half, meaning surgery was the only option for her to be normal again. I knew that she was too special to not deserve a chance since the entire time she was waiting for us to decide how to proceed she was purring and making biscuits; even in immense amounts of pain! It also helped that she reminded me of my little black cat I had growing up. So I told the doctors I would take her home. Dr Taylor did an FHO surgery on her and she has recovered so well! I could not be happier with her progress. She is a normal, playful, happy kitten who gets along with her doggy sister just fine 🙂 Thank you Dr’s Taylor, McPherson, Fullenwider and Blossey for all you have done for me and my fur babies! 

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Hospital Closed for Staff Development.

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July 15th 2016 from 7:30am-2pm, Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital will be closed for staff development updates and training. This is crucial to keep our staff up to date on the latest, most effective medical care and practices in the veterinary hospital. We want to remain the best for our patients and clients.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. See you at 12pm:)

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