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Pet of the Month-March 2019-Kitty Luther

By March 1, 2019 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized

Congratulation to Kitty Luther for being nominated as March 2019 Pet of the Month. Read her bio below:)

“Kitty was born in the year of 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska. She came to our house looking for food in February 2009. She was starving, homeless, the tip of her right ear was frozen off and she was pregnant. She was under a year old. All was taken care of.

In May of 2017, we moved to Florida and Kitty flew with us, never making a sound. She has since settled into her new home with us and is quite happy.

A high note concerning Kitty, she never bites or scratches people or furniture.


Lou and Ida Luther”

tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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