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Pug and Shelby Shoaff-July 2015 Pet of the Month

By July 2, 2015 July 29th, 2015 Uncategorized

Before Pug and Shelby Before

My journey with Pugs began in 2003 and continues today. Zora “Pug” Shoaff was born March 2003. Shelby Shoaff rescued me in July of 2011. Pugs are voracious eaters and this is why we have been chosen for TOAH’s July Pets of the Month!

Our stories begin with “loving to eat”! Little did I realize the potential medical problems that overweight fur-babies can develop. “They are hungry! I cannot let them starve when they are so hungry.” I was very methodical about feeding and treat times. I was a good Mama; I told myself. A friend came to visit and said, “Michelle, Puggie looks like she is overweight!” In my Minion voice I Said, “Wwwwhhhhaaaaattt?” I asked my trusted veterinarians at Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital and sure enough, I was doing a GREAT injustice to my furry children. You could have blown me over with a feather! I love my dogs! I would never intentionally put them at risk for organ or breathing problems! Never! The truth is that I was to blame. As hard as it was I began a food portion allotment appropriate for the BEST weight for my Pugs. Today, my 12 year old acts like she is three and my 9 year old loves to exercise. They are alert, responsive, and move freely without breathing problems from carrying extra weight. Zora “Pug” Shoaff weighs 14.6 lbs. (down from a high of 22 lbs.) and Shelby (being a large Pug by breed standard is weighing in at 22 lbs. (down from 36.4 lbs. at rescue). I have to admit that I had to look HARD at the portions I was giving my dogs. “That’s not enough!” I said. My trusted TOAH friends reminded me that it IS enough. It is enough. Do the BEST for your fur-babies and feed appropriately! Consult your trusted friend at TOAH and FOLLOW the directions! No excuses and ALL rewards! BELIEVE and take ACTION!

For your Dog’s sake,

Michelle, Pug, & Shelby Shoaff

Lifelearn Admin

Author Lifelearn Admin

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