Congratulations to Babe Babinchak our December 2019 Pet of the Month. Read her bio below!
“Babe is a 12-year-old, 9-pound, Shih Tzu -Pomeranian mix, who was born and raised in the Bahamas. After suffering an unfortunate birth accident, Babe lost part of her left rear leg. But that did not prevent her from walking and living a very purposeful life. As a puppy she went to live with an elderly couple where she remained a constant companion and alert dog to an Alzheimer’s victim, and an osteoporosis patient. Upon their death, she came to live with family in Winter Park. For much of her life Babe suffered chronic bladder ailments. Recently the brilliant doctors at Tuscawilla Oaks discovered that she has Cushing’s disease. After finding the right medication for her, Babe is now living a retirement she deserves with her one eyed 55-pound companion rescue “Lucky Dog.” Thank you Tuscawilla Oaks- you’re the best!”