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Pet of the Month-December 2018-Fritz Becker

By December 3, 2018 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized


Rule Breaker

Irresistibly adorable



Young at heart

Fritzy (or Fritz Becker when he is breaking rules) became a member of our household when he was a 12-week-old solid black Doxie who could fit right into our shirt pocket and now he is still solid black (with a touch of gray) 15-year-old boy who prefers to stretch out in the sunlight.

Fritzy is the older brother of two human sisters who he loves to chase and bark at while they are swimming in the pool, throwing his favorite ball or using a broom. Fritzy loves opening presents and never lets a furry stuffed toy remain stuffed…. he is always shaking and pulling out every last bit of fluff.

Fritzy loves going places with his family like picking his sisters up from school, going to the beach, and of course going shopping at his favorite pet shops. He is a great co-pilot sitting in his car seat next to mom watching out for anything exciting ahead only barking when the need arises. He has traveled by car throughout the country making his mark in 22 states and spending many nights in various hotels, relatives’ homes and tent camping.

Although he has three different beds, he prefers to snuggle with mom in her bed tunneling under the covers and taking up as much room as possible. He is the protector of the house, yard, and family barking at anyone who dares approach. Fritzy loves waking his mom and sisters up by giving them kisses and then rolling over to have his belly rubbed.

Every day we are reminded of how lucky we are to have such an adorable, lovable, young at heart, healthy, and spirited Doxie like Fritzy….we are beyond blessed to have him as a part of our family…and we are looking forward to being with him as he continues to make his mark in plenty more states in the upcoming years.

tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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