Congratulation to our July 2024 Pet of the Month, Winston, Wolf!
Winston a.k.a “Winnie” came to us by chance. A family from our church had his Mom and Dad and after they had a litter of pups In October 2015, they kept one of the puppies in the family. After seven months they realized they had to find a home for him. That’s when my husband over heard a conversation about needing to re-home “Prince his name at that time”and jokingly said we would take him. He called me and of course I said yes, it was love a first sight. Winston was the perfect piece to our family that was missing. All our boys fell in love with him. Winston has the sweetest personality, he loves everyone he meets and is so gentle with little kids and babies. Winston loves cuddling on the couch, playing with his toys especially the ones that have squeakers, he loves to do the zoomies a.k.a the Winston 500, he loves to play fetch with just about anything you can throw. He also likes to dig into his chill mat and like when I hide my feet under his bed so he can dig at them. His favorite treats are greenies and milk-bones. He will give you his paw, sit, stay, lay down, and roll over for a treat. Winston has struggled with dry eye syndrome and has to have eye drops and ointment put in his eyes twice a day, he is such a trooper and does so well with it. Winston has been such a joy to have in our family I couldn’t imagine life without him.