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Pet of the Month-Kylo Jackson-August 2021

By August 2, 2021 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized
Congratulations to our August 2021 Pet of the Month, Kylo Jackson!!! Read his full bio in his words below:)
“Hi!!! My name is Kylo! I am a ten-month-old black Goldendoodle. I have to say this because a lot of people ask my family if I am a labradoodle because I am not gold; but in fact, my doggie mom is a black F1 Goldendoodle and I get my color and markings from her. I arrived at my forever home to my fur-less mom, dad, and two brothers when I was nine weeks old. They say my dad found the folks who bred me, and my mom wanted me as soon as he got photos of me and videos of me playing with my doggie brothers and sisters to show her. They were both excited to meet me! It was a long ride home and I was scared but brave. I was no bigger than my dad’s boot when I arrived. I was a Christmas surprise that dropped into their lives while they were both working from home during the pandemic. Come to think of it, my mom still works from home. They talked about getting a puppy but wanted to make sure the circumstances were right. My brothers couldn’t believe I was theirs because they asked for me for so long. Anyway, they all loved me from the very beginning with cuddles and hugs and food and toys, so I worked hard to listen and be trained, and guess what? I stopped having accidents in the house when I was about three or four months old! Yep, I decided enough was enough and I could do it no matter my age!
I love my family because they give me lots of love and affection, and they are always spending time with me. I give them the same by greeting them with hugs, wags, and kisses in the morning at their bedsides and when they arrive home. I do a pretty good job obeying them, and I sometimes know what they want when they speak to me as they do to each other. I’m learning everyone’s names and I play with everyone; especially my brothers! They even play with me when I’m tired after a long day, but I tell myself I’d rather play than have a nap. And I do love a good nap! I also play by myself with a lot of toys from my toy box, but I especially like playing with my stuffed dragon, Draggy. He’s green, orange, and yellow, and he makes the best crunching and squeaking sounds when I’m playing really hard! I love Draggy!
I’ve learned my voice and use it when I need to get my family’s attention. They tell me I’m a pretty good alert dog because I only bark when I have to instead of all the time, like when someone is approaching the house, or if the lawn guy is on his mower or using his blower too close to the house, or if a storm is coming, or if I have to go potty when they are asleep or spread throughout the house. I also use my voice when company comes to the house (after I bark to let them know my mom, dad, and brothers are my family, and before I give them a good sniff to make sure they are okay) or when I see squirrels get too close to the back door.
Guess what? I’ve recently started sleeping overnight outside of my crate! Mom and Dad discovered I like laying down in the hallway outside my brothers’ bedrooms and since I decided to stop eating t.p. and chewing on socks (mostly), they laid a bed down there for me and that’s where I sleep overnight now. I sometimes check on all my family in the early morning as quietly as I can, but I’m afraid the tags on my collar wake them up. I can’t help it because I want to keep them safe. Did I mention I haven’t had an accident in a long time? Nope, no overnight accidents for me! I also love a good walk around the neighborhood and a hard run around the backyard. I also like going for car rides, trips to the park, or dining out at doggy-approved restaurants. And, I love playing with my friends at TOAH for playdays and I’m always excited when I am in the parking lot because I know I am going to have fun and be well-cared-for until my mom or dad arrives. Going to the groomers is okay – I don’t like the extra loud vacuum, but I do love the people.
Well, that’s my story – and I’m sticking to it!
– Kylo”
tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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