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Pet of the Month-September 2019-Jasper Rusnock

By August 30, 2019 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized

Congratulations to our September 2019 Pet of the Month.
Jasper Rusnock! Please read his bio below:)

“We were looking for a companion for our lab/boxer mix, Sophie, who had undergone shoulder surgery and was depressed.

On May 15, 2013, at an event held by Pet Rescue by Judy, our eyes met. It was kismet! There he was, Jasper! A year and a half old Irish setter/retriever mix. He had some puppy energy but clearly knew he had to fit in. And he has. Loyal to a fault, he follows us everywhere we go, right by our side. Always has and probably always will.

Jasper’s more recent story begins with TOAH. Returning from a vacation, we became very concerned about Jasper’s abdomen and how it was getting larger and larger. The following morning as Jasper lay on the floor, our cat Oliver (sensing something was amiss), touched noses with Jasper. Perhaps offering him one of his nine lives. We immediately placed a call to TOAH, and were at the office and seen by Dr. McPherson and her team immediately.

After an x-ray of the abdomen, which signaled nothing good, Dr. McPherson made arrangements for us to go directly to see the skillful team at AVS. Within hours, under the caring eyes of Dr. Ellison, Jasper’s spleen was removed, along with a large hematoma and a liter of blood from his abdomen. We thought we were going to lose him. But we did not. Mother Nature had other ideas for him!

He is back chasing lizards and critters in our yard, just as he did before his surgery.

And when we all take walks, he keeps a close eye on Sophie as she gets older and struggles.

He is happy and healthy now and still the great companion we had hoped for.”

tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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