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Pet of the Month, November 2023, Lester, Moffitt!

By November 1, 2023 Pet of the Month

Congratulation to our November 2023 Pet of the Month, Lester Moffitt!

Lester:  16 years old

Lester is too handsome and too irresistible. It was love at first sight!

Lester is a show dog. When he goes to shows, people flock to take his picture and Lester poses for them. He is such a little ham!

People ask me what do you like best about Lester? Well, where do I start… He aims to please. He always keeps me company while I work and makes sure I stay on task.

How spoiled is your pet?  Very!! The baby is very spoiled and does not know he is a dog. I believe that Lester thinks that every day is a fun day and that he is the show.

He makes me laugh on a daily basis!

Manager Toah

Author Manager Toah

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