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Pet of the Month, December 2022, Smokey, Hull!

By December 1, 2022 Pet of the Month

Congratulations to our December 2022 Pet of the Month, Smokey Hull!!

“Like so many of our furry friends, Smokey showed up at our doorstep as a 10-week-old kitten. Her gorgeous silver-gray fur and the “love me” look in her eyes captured our hearts, and we took her in.

That was in 2005; since then, she has been a shy yet sweet companion. She loves to drink water from the bathtub faucet, and at the age 15, she decided to become a “lap cat” when she would sleep in my lap each evening. Now, at 17, she has the usual “old-age” challenges, but we love her just the same”!

Manager Toah

Author Manager Toah

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