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Pet of the Month, January 2022, Tim Matray

By January 3, 2022 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized

Congratulations to our January 2022 Pet of the Month, Tim Matray. Read his bio below:)

“This is Tim. He’s an 18 lb Boston Terrier that is approximately 8 to 10 years old. His exact age is unknown because he was adopted from an animal shelter after being found wandering in a field without any identification or chip. Once the shelter’s waiting period was over, he was brought home and has been loved and spoiled ever since.

Tim is super sweet, gentle, kind, loving, playful, and silly. His favorite things are accompanying mom and dad wherever they are, food, playing with toys, chasing lizards, curling up in blankets, and snoring. He only ever barks when he’s dreaming in his sleep.

Tim has been under veterinary care for health issues for much of the six years he has been with us. 2021 was particularly challenging, though, as Tim was diagnosed with myeloencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE), a degenerative mitral valve, and a heart murmur in quick succession. In Tim’s case of MUE, his immune system is attacking his central nervous system leading to inflammation in his brain and cluster seizures. The bad news is that this is a terminal illness; the good news is that there is a treatment that can help prolong a good quality of life and his vets are all pleased with his response so far. To help, Tim is on multiple medications, including anticonvulsants, a steroid, and chemo injections on back-to-back days every three weeks. Tim is handling it all like a champ, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think Tim is Tim, only a few steps slower due to the medication and his condition.

Tim is a dear family member, a best friend. He helped bring my wife and me together and has gotten me through many tough times. I promised him I will do everything I can for him until he let’s me know it’s time. Until then, we are making the most of each day and cherishing the time we have with him. Tim is an extraordinary dog, and I only hope he knows how much he is loved.

That said, we’d like to thank the entire team at TOAH, particularly Dr. McPherson, the technicians, and the front office team, who are always kind and provide excellent care for Tim. We’d also like to thank the neurology team at Blue Pearl Maitland (formerly AVS), particularly Dr. Miller, Dr. Knight, Dr. Blakey, their techs, and front office staff as well.

You have ALL helped Tim and our family through some tough times, and we will be forever grateful. Thank you, thank you!”

tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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