Congratulations to our October 2019, Pet of the Month, Muddy Miskell. Please read his bio below!
“This is our best bud, Muddy. He’s nearly 2 ½ years old now and is a monumental joy to us! We were lucky enough to find him at the Save a Life organization at Petsmart in Oviedo. There he was, with his 8 brothers and sisters, all in one makeshift pen. We could tell right away that he loved people as he jumped and wiggled to get our attention, and wow, was he happy when we picked him up!
As for his name; Muddy delighted in stepping onto the top step of the pool to get a drink, then would go streaking through the flower beds when we tried to corral him, leaving great big sloppy footprints all over the pool deck! Also, he is a perfect color for the name Muddy. His name also pays homage to the great Muddy Waters, just because we’re fans.
We have two older female rescues who taught Muddy to be a good boy! He still defers to them in all things. He knows he’s #3 in line to get his Milk bone or to get his supper and knows when to get off the couch if one of the “girls” touches his nose. One of his most interesting traits is how he likes to be against one of us when he takes a nap, and a canine will do just fine when humans aren’t available.
We were looking for a friend who would help us fill the loss of a beloved family member, and Muddy is perfect! He’s the perfect mix of fun-loving friend and cuddle-up counselor. Just the boy we needed.”