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Pet of the Month-April 2019-Tallulah Dassing

By April 1, 2019 December 1st, 2022 Pet of the Month, Uncategorized

Congratulations to our April 2019 Pet of the Month Tallulah Dassing!!!! Read her bio below:)

“After losing my 16 year old mixed lab in January 2008, I said I was not getting another dog right now, but I think God had another plan.

I went into a vet supply store in October 2008 for my Mom’s dog and my 2 cats and they were talking about a dog that was to be put down the following Thursday because she had been at the Orange County pound for a month. I saw her picture and said if nobody gets her before then, call me. They called me Thursday morning and I rushed down there to meet this very thin, blonde, mixed lab who they called Lady.

We went outside to have a visit, but she really was not interested in me. She kept looking out the fence, I had a friend with me and I said I am not sure I would want a dog that is so disinterested in new people. I barely got the words out of my mouth when she came and sat down in front of me and looked at me with those big brown eyes. The rest is history.

I immediately changed her name to Tallulah Mae Dassing because we are southern and Lady did not fit her at all. She is the most laid back sweetest girl in the world, except when she tried to steal the Thanksgiving turkey, but we all have are flaws.

After several years Tallulah hurt both of her knees and had surgery 4 times, little did I know at the time it was the wrong surgery for a dog her size. At work one day she collapsed because her knees gave out. I was a wreck but I remembered an article in the Winter Springs/Oviedo magazine about TOAH and a new stem cell therapy. I called got an appointment and had the stem cell therapy done. It has been amazing for her, she won’t ever be the same from the bad surgery but the stem cell therapy keeps her moving and being able to go to the park with her friends.

All of the staff at TOAH are wonderful and Tallulah does not even mind going. If you have a pet that is not getting around very good and has slowed way down, you should think about stem cell therapy, it has added a wonderful quality of life for my girl Tallulah.”

-Terri Dassing

tuscawilla oaks

Author tuscawilla oaks

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