Hi! My name is Sasha; although I have another name registered but I don’t remember what it is. I like Sasha. Don’t you? Sometimes my human companion calls me, “Bad Kitty!” But what does he know? I was born 14 years ago in Ocala, FL. My human companion picked me (and my cousin – “Kyle”) from a family of a lot of other Oriental Shorthair kittens. I’m so glad he did. Right after I was adopted, I moved to Albuquerque, NM where I stayed a year before moving back to Florida. That’s when I met my wonderful friends at Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital. For the last 13 years they’ve been my pals keeping me happy and healthy. A year ago, my cousin Kyle went to Kitty Heaven, so my human companions adopted two new Oriental Shorthairs and guess what? My father is their great-great-great-great grandfather! Is that cool or what? I mostly eat shrimp. Yes shrimp! Every day! Doctor McPherson says it’s okay. I love shrimp. But sometimes, I eat popcorn. It’s my favorite treat!
Bad kitty!