June 2016 Pet of the Month
Suzy Piersall
Suzy is an 11 1/2 year old pug.The highlight of Suzy’s day is eating, going for walks, having her teeth brushed (with a dental chew stick), and snuggling. She’ll sit, settle, shake, speak and roll over for a treat. She’s a little dog with a big dog personality, and is best friends with everyone she meets. She keeps watch out the front window and alerts her family for any danger like birds, or children, or most importantly any dogs that go by. These days she does a lot of sleeping (snoring loudly) to get her beauty rest. She had her first visit to Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital at her initial puppy visit. Dr. McPherson has seen her through some tough times with a couple of surgeries to fish things out of her that she shouldn’t have eaten.
Congratulations Suzy!