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Euthanasia and Aftercare

Euthanasia and Aftercare


Saying good-bye to a family pet is one of the most difficult situations a pet owner will encounter but trying to decide when it is time to say good-bye can be even more difficult. You will be surrounded by many conflicting questions and concerns. Is it time? Is it too early? Did I wait too long? What if……? Please remember, you are giving your pet a gift. A gift of the prevention of needless suffering. Before you struggle through one more day with a painful, elderly, or terminally ill pet that is suffering, call us to learn how we can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when it is time?

Some families feel that they instinctively know and are confident in their decision, while others are left unsure and indecisive with a variety of emotions clouding rational thought and judgement. Euthanasia is a procedure that needs to be discussed and considered thoroughly by the entire family and your pet’s veterinarian, before a final decision is made. But, no matter how saddening or uncomfortable this discussion is, it must occur.

How do I schedule an appointment for a euthanasia?

TOAH’s compassionate, caring veterinary professionals will help you through this experience. We will work with your special requests and handle questions regarding your pet’s remains and/or walk with you through the entire experience. You do not need to do this alone. Just give us a call and we will walk you through the process. The most notice you can give us, the better. This will give the best chance of working within your schedule.


What is involved in a Euthanasia Appointment?

  • A discussion about quality of life.
  • A discussion about your and your family’s thoughts and feeling.
  • Answering questions surrounding euthanasia and aftercare.
  • If necessary, your pet may receive sedation to help ease any discomfort they be having.  
  • The Euthanasia Procedure: The actual procedure is quite simple and peaceful. Once you and your pet are ready, the final euthanasia medication is given and it works, in most cases, in seconds.
  • Lock of fur
  • After the procedure, you may spend as much time as you need.

Can I stay with my pet?

Yes. This is highly encouraged. It is very important that the person your pet is closest to, helps them cross over.

Can my other pets be present?

If you want your other pets to be present, that is wonderful. Pets grieve too. You must consider temperament and behavior when deciding whether other pets being present is possible. Pets are adaptable and they grieve in their own way. If they cannot be present, this is fine too. They will understand even if they are not present.

Can my children be present?

Only you can decide whether this procedure is something that your children should be involved with. Again, consider temperament, behavior, age, and sensitivity. As veterinary professionals, many of us have human children as well, and are more than happy to share our experiences with you and your family.  

For more information on Aftercare, cremation, memorabilia, and further support or advice, please ask our helpful staff.

Additionally, information can be found at the following website.  

The Pet Loss Center