Congratulations to our August 2023 Pet of the Month, Skip Jack Waltensperger!
Hi! My name is Skip Jack, but most people call me “Skip.” It’s a good name. It fits. I’m an Oriental shorthair, born in Ft. Worth, Texas during COVID and had to flown from there to Atlanta and then to Orlando as a kitten, to meet my new friends who are also Oriental shorthairs – Wally and Zep, as well as my new humans. Even as a young kitten, in a new home, I didn’t back down and have totally integrated myself into the family. I went from being treated as an outcast to one of the three “peas-in-a-pod.” I love to play, especially chasing other felines and squirrels outside the screen, hide and seek, racing up the stairs, and then sliding on my back down the stairs! I also love to greet my humans at the door when they come home; I am very vocal; I love to show off how well I can climb and love to sleep under the covers at night with my humans. Lastly, I can’t forget feeding time. I’m first to let you know when it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinnertime. I park myself on the kitchen stool and gently demand to be served. I especially love visiting my friends at TOAH and showing off my friendliness to a great staff!