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Pet of the Month, August 2023, Skip Jack Waltensperger!

By August 2, 2023 Pet of the Month

Congratulations to our August 2023 Pet of the Month, Skip Jack Waltensperger!

Hi! My name is Skip Jack, but most people call me “Skip.” It’s a good name. It fits. I’m an Oriental shorthair, born in Ft. Worth, Texas during COVID and had to flown from there to Atlanta and then to Orlando as a kitten, to meet my new friends who are also Oriental shorthairs – Wally and Zep, as well as my new humans. Even as a young kitten, in a new home, I didn’t back down and have totally integrated myself into the family. I went from being treated as an outcast to one of the three “peas-in-a-pod.” I love to play, especially chasing other felines and squirrels outside the screen, hide and seek, racing up the stairs, and then sliding on my back down the stairs!  I also love to greet my humans at the door when they come home; I am very vocal; I love to show off how well I can climb and love to sleep under the covers at night with my humans.  Lastly, I can’t forget feeding time. I’m first to let you know when it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinnertime. I park myself on the kitchen stool and gently demand to be served.  I especially love visiting my friends at TOAH and showing off my friendliness to a great staff!

Manager Toah

Author Manager Toah

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